Guests and sharing your home with friends is part of what makes life and company enjoyable. With rent and home ownership becoming so expensive, the luxury of an extra room with a bed is becoming more and more expensive.
While Dallas Ft Worth has done better than the national average, you’ll find that two bedrooms are averaging $1,100 to $1,500. And that is for an average 859 square feet.
How about adding a third bedroom? The average cost across the U.S. of adding a third room is $190 a month. That adds up to $2,280 a year and you could easily price yourself above that if you enjoy larger square footage or a nicer neighborhood.
What could you do with an extra $2,280 a year? You could go out to eat for a nice dinner for 2 every single week of the year.
You could go to Frankfurt Germany, roundtrip 4 times!
You could book a cruise and enjoy a week at sea and Caribbean ports.
You would have to have guests over 22 times before you would even break even on the cost of an extra room versus paying for them to stay in a hotel.
If you live in an expensive area, these numbers go up dramatically. 3 bedroom townhomes in Dallas can easily reach up to $4,000 to $6,000 a month and more. The third bedroom often adds $300 to $1,000 or more from the cost of the standard 2 bedroom models.
As you can see, the above savings example is on the extremely low end – chances are you could save far more than $2,280 a year. What could you do with an extra $7,500 a year?
Even if you have a mortgage, choosing a home larger than you need can really cost you in the long run.
Many times we choose to get an extra bedroom as a placeholder for a larger family, home office or hobby room.
Murphy beds allow you to multi-purpose and really get the best out of your available square footage. They are ideal for getting the functionality of a bedroom without sacrificing your dreams. Why choose home office OR extra bedroom when you can have both? Call WallbedsUSA today at 972-775-5119!